Thursday, December 29, 2005

the lister's list

A few weeks ago I was working on a Saturday. It wasn't anything exciting, but I had a patient who was really cracking me up. She's inspired me to start a list. So far it's a short list, so feel free to add your own in the comments.
Quite possibly the best quotes I've ever heard people really say:

"When I woke up this morning my mouth felt like someone had taken out my teeth and eaten gorilla poop. They put my teeth back without even rinsing them off."

"Leave the lights off; I'm beautiful in the dark."

"What's a potato?"

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You know, I used to keep a quote board. It was made up of random comments that people would blurt out at work -- usually out of context. Hilarious stuff but I jus got too lazy to keep up with it.