Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mitchum Man

The other day The Hater noticed that his deodorant sported a label stating:
If you only shave when you have to,
you're a Mitchum Man!

We've been really amused by this because we can't find a correlation between shaving and using deodorant. Last we checked, you don't put deodrant on your face, or maybe we've been wrong all these years.

If you have any enlightenment regarding this statement or concerns about our personal hygene, please let us know. Meanwhile, The Hater went to work grizzled and scruffy today, with the obvious justification ...

PS: The website also boasts that "if menage-a-trois is the only french you know, you're a Mitchum Man". Also, we took the quiz to see how manly we were and only made 60% (granted, that's with me helping). Maybe I should try his deodorant tomorrow; what a great excuse to skip shaving!


Kate Mc said...

Um, when I was home I used to use Mitchum for women. Does that make me a manly woman? Or is it only if I conform to the stuff on the pack, rather than my actual use of the product...?

genderist said...

See, I don't think so! Because I use the women's Mitchum formula, too, and their ad campaigns refer to girly girls...

So maybe it's for the extremes?

Anonymous said...

I might be getting a little paranoid here but I'm starting to notice a hygiene backlash in man world. Maybe it's in response to the whole metrosexual movement?

First there's Matthew McConnaughey who refuses to use deodorant. Now deodorant companies are imploring men not to shave very frequently? I'm not liking this...

genderist said...

It's the Grizzle Movement.

genderist said...

If you can get in a punch with Chuck Norris, then you're a Mitchum Man...