Saturday, April 22, 2006

spread the good news

Happy Earth Day!
Go forth and do green things...


Eli Blake said...

We have such a beautiful home that we all live on, it's such a pity that so many people don't treat it like the miracle that it is.

We live in such a small town that the only place to take aluminum is to the dump (where they keep it seperate and themselves sell it) but they don't pay for it. So, the other day my daughter asked me why I saved the cans, since we don't get any cash here. I told her it was to save another mountainside in South America from being dynamited, and I think she started to understand. That was a good feeling when she did.

genderist said...

Exactly! I was in an Earth Day play in middle school... actally, I was Recycle Girl...

I wish we could win the lottery so we could afford to drive hybrids!

Anonymous said...

I try to be at least SOMEWHAT earth-conscious on a daily basis but I'm sure I don't do enough. As the years progress I become less and less tolerant of waste, though. I think that's a good thing. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my name is NICOLE, not "Nico." Ugh, me and my typos!

genderist said...

Right.... you know, I participated in about a dozen two-mile garbage pick-ups along the highway when I was in middle school and high school. That's all it took for me to keep from littering.