Sunday, February 11, 2007


The Hater took me out for Valentine's Day dinner this afternoon. That's as exciting as we'll be getting for the big day. I've bought a box of grade-school valentines for $1 to take to work and give out to my patients and coworkers.

We've had valentines for our grandmothers just waiting for a stamp for about a month. We still don't have stamps for them; it looks like they'll be getting those a little late this year. So much for good intentions.

I get tickled because The Hater is insistent that it's "valentime" not "valentine". He'll say "it's time for valentime's"... Random, but worthy of mentioning.

Tonight we're making some potato chicken soup to have tomorrow night after work. It'll be tasty and delicious.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Jack must have been talking with The Hater...all week I was telling Jack is was going to be Valentine's Day and we needed to tell everyone how much we love and appreciate them. He'd look at me confused then go on about his way. On the 14th when I got him up in the morning I told him, "It's Valentine's Day, Jack! I love you!"

His reply, "Val-times. Wub yooo."