Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Haterade Big Gulp

Haterade scale: 4.75 (considering the subject matter)

This is something that made me angry that I think everybody should watch, unless you don't care about the world. This link is to a story Keith Olbermann did last night. The report is called "The Nexus of Politics and Terror". Scroll down to see the video, and press the Play arrow to watch it. The story is self-explainatory.

If you watch this, you'll get to hatin', too.


Angela said...

here, here! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I find it angering, but unfortunately not surprising...

Molly Jane said...

I am an official hater.

bad-journalist.blogspot.com said...

Kudos to Olbermann for being a journalist who actually does his job and pointing out the questions we ought to be asking. Imagine that.

Thanks for turning me on to this.