Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The Hater has returned with much fanfare and jubilation. We've quickly fallen back into our daily routine... and although we're ready for the weekend, he has more work stuff until Sunday. So I'm more eager about greeting Friday than he.

It's about this time of the week when he starts singing this 1980s-flashback while he's getting ready for work. He'd argue that he doesn't sing it, but I'd counter that he will reference the chorus at least three times a week, which is close enough for government work.

Wednesdays in themselves are mildly excitng because it marks the half-way before Friday. It's Hump Day, the middle of the week, and all you lack is making it over the hump to the weekend. From the sincere-most bottom of my heart, happy happy Hump Day to you!

When I was in high school one of the radio stations would play a song in the mornings that had a real catchy tune. (It may have been KDF before they turned it to a country station.) Anyway, the words were:
I don't wanna go to work today.
I just wanna sit at home and play.
If I had to do it my way,
I just wouldn't go to work today.

(They also had a version that substituted 'school' for 'work'.)

This is the song that I catch myself singing during the week. I guess it doesn't matter so much that we like our jobs; we like our weekends more. We're ready to win the lottery or retire, or figure some way to stop time so that we can have more weekend.

If The Hater was more technical I'd harass him until he made such stopwatch. We might sell them on eBay, so watch our store for more details. Of course we'll offer discounts to our regular readers of this blog, and may even throw in a watch chain! How exciting! I'll keep you posted as the quantum physics and gears and new math converge...

Actually, this is more of a job for my brother-in-law; he's the mathematician magician.


the count said...

The Hater sings Loverboy songs? Oh this is priceless, I think I'll save this for the hours on the road over spring break.

Nicole said...

I'm happy that your Hater's back. Maybe I'm projecting, though. Don't you hate it when they go away? :)

genderist said...

I don't know if he knows any other of their songs --- but he knows that one, and he probably won't admit to knowing it at all. :)

Anonymous said...

People that sing loverboy songs are hella cool! Also, smart and funny...

KJ said...

I don't wanna go to work today.
I just wanna sit at home and play.
If I had to do it my way,
I just wouldn't go to work today.

I've had this song stuck in my head for years now, and I think it may be the same one... any idea who does it? I also think (or remember incorrectly) the second line being "It's hot outside and I wanna play" at some point in the song, but I may be crazy or it may have switched throughout.

genderist said...

No clue! All I remember is that one refrain, but KDF played it all the time (back in the day before it went country)...

Anonymous said...

I got a copy of this song guys. let me know if ya want it...