Monday, September 05, 2005


Justice Sandra Day O'Conner is retiring from the Supreme Court. Bush has nominated John Roberts to fill her position.

If you value your personal liberties, please carefully read the information at this link. If the information you find concerns you, follow the instructions to email your Senator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, in light of Rehnquist passing, Roberts is now officially nominated for Chief Justice. O'Connor is coming back until her as-yet-unknown replacement is confirmed. So, it's going to be worse than we think- Bush is going to put two nominees on the Supreme Court. Roberts is a horrible nominee, in particular because he doesn't recognize the constitutional right to privacy that's been around since Griswold v. Connecticut, and was most recently cited to strike down sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas. I would highly recommend that people who do not like having their personal lives regulated by the government speak up against John Roberts. If my senators (both Democrats, btw) vote to confirm him, they're fired.