Sunday, August 14, 2011

my (neighbor's) dog has fleas

And they've come to our yard to play...

Not my toe.

Look what we found in the backyard when playing in the pool today. We're pretty sure we're the only house on our street that doesn't have dogs. And our cat doesn't go outside, ever. So we're blaming the neighbors for the fleas we found outside.

Fortunately, the bug-spraying people are coming tomorrow. We called and they're going to add their flea-formula to the regular formula. But I have to wonder what good it will do as long as the neighbors' dogs have fleas...

And now we're all imagining that we have fleas. Gross.

Besides that, we've had a great visit with The Dorks. Hopefully they won't be taking fleas back with them as a memento from the trip.


Jihan said...

yikes that's what fleas look like... good luck

Neff Family said...

Oh so gross. Now every time I see a dark speck, I'm going to suspect fleas. Good luck! No lime disease for you!

Cerulean Bill said...

I recall a woman doing a comedy routine saying that her cat, which never went outdoors, had fleas. Which meant that the only source of contagion was.... her !

Anonymous said...

Ya my neighbor 3 houses down is a crazy cat lady and she has countless stray cats that wonder into my yard..... Every week I see a new cat I have never seen before! Anyways the underlying problem is that the 4 houses on my street all have fleas including me...... I spent close to 500$ on keeping them away from my house..... So everyone is fed up and asked her to get rid of most of her cats or the humane society is going to take them from her from the poor living conditions she has .I am so fed up with her trash ass it's not even funny.... I confronted her about it and asked her to let me spray her house with the product I have to kill them and to prevent the eggs from developing and she refused and said she never noticed any fleas ... When I left her property I looked down at my legs and noticed about 15 fleas on each of my legs so I called the humane society and they removed 17 cats and 4 got away !.... I am so fed up with her trashy ass it's not even funny!

genderist said...

Gross. That would be incredibly frustrating.

Unknown said...

Who ever posted this pick is my hero! I have been battling these nasty things for the second summer now! I too blamed my dirty neighbors for these. Please tell me if these bugs look red and have a black look to the insides? They hurt so bad as they almost seem to leave a stinging effect. Please forward any information to me on what to do? Thank You...

genderist said...

This was as close as we got to them! Couldn't tell you what their insides look like-- sorry!